Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Nothing in My Hand I Bring

Today my day has been spent in the throws of motherhood. It has been one of those days that leaves you bone-weary from mothering two littlies- ever have those? Yet now, as I take a moment to think back over the day, I see the little snippets as well that pointed me to God and showed me his grace is sufficient for the day. My heart too is full as I am reminded of his amazing grace that sees me and loves me when I am reading the Bible before bed with my kiddies or when I am changing a nappy. It has been one of those unglamorous days really when I am so thankful that as the hymn says, 'nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling' (Toplady, 1776, "Rock of Ages") because frankly, I don't feel like I have much to bring to his feet tonight. But isn't this exactly what the Christian life is about? Recognising it is his grace that washes our feet and as Peter would have it (John 13:6-9), our whole bodies: we are clean, fresh, new and nothing of it is to do with who we are or what we have done.

I often think about those two sisters who pursued God: Mary and Martha. In these two faithful women, Jesus showed his love and grace. I always have identified more with Martha, partly because listening is something I have to work at and also because I am a list-girl. I love fluttering about behind the scenes doing. Yet tonight, when I listen again to Jesus' words that Mary has chosen the better part (Luke 10:42), I am reminded that sitting at his feet is exactly where we should start and finish our day. In Jesus' admonition of Martha's bitterness and frustration at her sister Mary, he tenderly reminds her that his kingdom is about relationship. 

In their recent book, "The Measure of Success", Carolyn McCulley and Nora Shank (2014, B & H Publishing Group) tell us that in this story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), we are reminded that our identity should not be in the jobs we have or the lists we tick off, our identity needs to be found at the feet of Jesus and IN Jesus. 
"Unlike most rabbis of His time, Jesus not only allowed a woman to learn the Scriptures, He also told everyone present that this was the wisest thing Mary could do... No husbands were mentioned for either of these women. No children were mentioned, either. Perhaps they had them once. Perhaps they would have them in the future. No mention was made of their social status, either by wealth or social connections or job skills. But their one identity that was most important was the one that would exist forever: a follower of Christ. This is the identity we need to affirm among ourselves..."(McCulley and Shank, 2014, p.80-81).
At the end of a long day, my identity in Christ is who I am. It is who I should be first and foremost to my family and in my circles of influence. It is where I should place my identity. It is a humble recognition that my life is about Christ and glorifying him. May we remember, as we go about ticking off our lists tomorrow, that we need to be sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to him through his Word and allowing his amazing grace to infiltrate every aspect of our lives.

photo credit: Fabio Trifoni via photopin cc

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