The Gospel is the Good New of Jesus!
It is the truth that we were created for relationship with a Holy God, however due to sin (things that we think/do/say that grieve a Holy God) means that this relationship is broken and the punishment is death. Sin is a big deal. Often we downplay this, yet the majority of the Bible is about the sin of man and the Solution to this problem of sin. There is NOTHING in our own strength that we can do to solve the problem of sin ourselves.
In order to repair our broken relationship, God sent the 'God-man' (fully God, fully man) Jesus Christ to live and die on the cross as a perfect man in order to take our sin on Himself.
As Jesus is God, He miraculously rose from the dead, appeared to over 500 eyewitnesses and ascended to the Right Hand of God where He acts as our advocate.

When we recognise our sin and inability to be perfect, trust Jesus as Lord and Saviour of our life, our relationship with God can be restored. We therefore live under this amazing grace and have the Holy Spirit equipping us with desire to share this opportunity of redemption with those around us.
For more information, read any of the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
photo credit: abcdz2000 via photopin cc
video credit: Matt Chandler's Gospel Presentation via Radicals 4J YouTube